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Madison City Logo

Beautification Programs

The Madison Beautification Board is an all-volunteer board of Madison residents appointed by the Mayor's office.  In support of the City of Madison Mayor, the Beautification Board's role is to advise monitor and work to resolve issues with existing city-owned landscapes. One of the primary activities of the Beautification Board is to encourage commercial and residential property owners to adopt high standards for landscaping design and property maintenance along City of Madison roadways.

Beautification Award Program

The Beautification Award Program recognizes the City of Madison commercial properties who landscape and maintain their exterior grounds and entrances to high standards.  Properties that meet or exceed the Beautification Award criteria are awarded an attractive and long-lasting Beautification Award sign to visibly display along their streetside entrance.   Properties are judged and must apply annually for the Award.

View our recently revised Judging Criteria 
Apply for the Beautification Award Program 
Application deadline is Thursday, May 4
Judging will occur on Thursday, May 18
A Beautification Award Luncheon for qualifying properties will be held on Thursday 22 June, location to be announced.

Knock Out Rose Survey

The current Madison Beautification board actively monitors the spread of Rose-Rosette Disease in city-owned landscape plantings.   In 2015, a vast number of the city's  Knockout rose plantings displayed evidence of the virus and have been tagged for removal by city work crews.

Replanting Projects

The Beautification Board makes itself available to assist the Mayor in coordinating the replanting of city-owned landscapes that have fallen into decline due to age, disease, abuse or adverse weather conditions. 

1 comment:

  1. Forget callback within 24 hrs, my Dove mountain building manager call the tenants back within 2hrs maximum. I had a toilet leak once and I swear within matter of 15mins plumber was at my door.
