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Friday, February 17, 2017

Biography of Madison City’s Arbor Week Seminar Presenters

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Dr. Art Chappelka is an Alumni Professor in the School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA. He received his Ph.D. in plant pathology from Virginia Tech in 1986. Since 1987, Dr. Chappelka has been on the faculty within the School. Dr. Chappelka has authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, edited 1 book, 3 special editions of peer reviewed journals and 12 book chapters. He is a reviewer for several international journals, and has contributed to numerous national peer-review panels. Dr. Chappelka has participated in research grants totaling @ $5 million.  His primary interests are in air pollution and global climate effects to terrestrial ecosystems; and urban forestry/ecology. He has taught classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels in urban forestry, introduction to renewable natural resources, natural resource policy, chemical climate change effects to forested ecosystems, and technology and culture. Dr. Chappelka is past Chair of the Auburn City Tree Commission and Current Chair of the AU Tree Preservation Committee.

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Tim Albritton is a State Staff Forester for the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Auburn, AL. He received his Associates Degree in Forest Technology from Patrick Henry State Junior College and a Bachelor of Science in Forest Resources from Auburn University Albritton began his forestry career with the Alabama Forestry Commission from 1986 where he worked for 18 years. He is a registered forester with the Alabama State Board of Registration for Foresters, and a member of the Society of American Foresters. He is a supporter and promoter of the Alabama Treasure Forest Program. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Alabama Treasure Forest Association and involved in the Elmore County chapter. He is a 13-year member of the Alabama Forestry Council and serves as an advisor to the Bradley/Murphy Forestry and Natural Resources Trust. In 2016 became the new Board Member with the State Board of Registration for Foresters.

2017 Arbor Day Program